Do Fashion Brands Really Focus on Fit and Quality?

Do Fashion Brands Really Focus on Fit and Quality?

Up to 93% of returns on online shopping are down to the clothes not fitting according the Retail Gazette  Allegedly 1/3 of all items returned are not sold and sent straight to landfill. This is shocking and certainly not helping the environment.
Tru-Size 3 Avatars developed for Rey House by Tru-Size

Designing Clothes Has To Start With Your Customer

We at Tru-Size believe we understand where the problem lies. When a design and buying team get together. They discuss global trends and influences, fabrics, colours, shape of a style, last seasons best sellers and what did not work for the past season. Once they have gathered all this information they start to plan out the next season.
Latest Scanning Event at the Allbright Club in Londons Maddox Street.

Latest Scanning Event at the Allbright Club in Londons Maddox Street.

Gathering this data is really helping us to establish the real size, of real women and the findings are astounding. This has improved our understanding of what the real problems are behind clothing not fitting............
December 04, 2023 — Julia Reynolds
Men Just Don't Get It!

Men Just Don't Get It!

We have spoken to women from all walks of life, demographics, ethnicity, socio-economic status and we can categorically say that 100% of the women we have spoken to said there is a problem. No one knows what size they are in any given retailer, every person has some idea of the styles that suit them but, there is no consistency in this.............
October 26, 2023 — Julia Reynolds
Ethnicity and Body Shape

Ethnicity and Body Shape

As we age, our bodies undergo many changes. From hormonal shifts to changes in metabolism, our bodies can look very different at 35 than they did at 25. But does ethnicity play a role in how our bodies change over time?

May 10, 2023 — Julia Reynolds
Jersey pieces used technology to create the right shapes

International Women's Day

This year International women's day is focusing on technology for gender equality. We at Rey House have set off on a journey to use technology in fashion and clothing for women in a way that only a few are thinking about..............
March 02, 2023 — Julia Reynolds
Graphene Technology Is Being Sold On Our Website

Graphene Technology Is Being Sold On Our Website

We at Rey House are using this technology in 8 of our products and they are quickly becoming our best sellers. So what is Graphene and how does it work in clothing?

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January 26, 2023 — Julia Reynolds
Why Did I Start This Business Julia Founder

Why Did I Start This Business Julia Founder

I had retired from a life time working in retail, all of that career in various head offices of some of the largest retailers in the UK. My most notable achievement had to be creating the Florence and Fred Brand for Tesco back in 1999. I then went on to run one of the UK's first ever Pure Play online businesses, where I learnt about online selling. 

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January 26, 2023 — Julia Reynolds
Start With The Right Fabric

Start With The Right Fabric

Having been in the fashion industry all my working life and working my way up from the shop floor, I like to think that I have done or been involved in just about every process of a clothing brand.
November 28, 2022 — Julia Reynolds
Shocking Statistics About Buying Clothing

Shocking Statistics About Buying Clothing

I have for several years now been banging on about clothes not fitting, the quality and make being poor and how depressing this makes the shopping experience. I have interviewed many women and the more I interviewed the more shocking and prolific I found the problems to be......
November 23, 2022 — Julia Reynolds