House chat
Do Fashion Brands Really Focus on Fit and Quality?
Up to 93% of returns on online shopping are down to the clothes not fitting according the Retail Gazette Allegedly 1/3 of all items returned are not sold and sent straight to landfill. This is shocking and certainly not helping the environment.
Designing Clothes Has To Start With Your Customer
We at Tru-Size believe we understand where the problem lies. When a design and buying team get together. They discuss global trends and influences, fabrics, colours, shape of a style, last seasons best sellers and what did not work for the past season. Once they have gathered all this information they start to plan out the next season.
Latest Scanning Event at the Allbright Club in Londons Maddox Street.
Gathering this data is really helping us to establish the real size, of real women and the findings are astounding. This has improved our understanding of what the real problems are behind clothing not fitting............
Men Just Don't Get It!
We have spoken to women from all walks of life, demographics, ethnicity, socio-economic status and we can categorically say that 100% of the women we have spoken to said there is a problem. No one knows what size they are in any given retailer, every person has some idea of the styles that suit them but, there is no consistency in this.............
Ethnicity and Body Shape
As we age, our bodies undergo many changes. From hormonal shifts to changes in metabolism, our bodies can look very different at 35 than they did at 25. But does ethnicity play a role in how our bodies change over time?