About Rey House sizing
During all the research we carried out with like minded Diamonds, we discovered that fit is one of the most important things and the fashion industry is all over the place. So we started from scratch. What became evident was that if you fitted our size Small and Extra Small, you are highly likely to be petite in height and if you fitted our larger sizes you are highly like to be statuesque.
So we have developed our own grading and built our styles and patterns around the research we had done. We will never talk about sizes 10, 12, 14 etc. We are all about fitting the customers that have told us what the problems are.
Our 7 diamond cuts are literally about the shape and our sizes are about stature. Above all what is important that the clothes fit, look great, are very wearable by their nature. With the ultimate objective to make you feel confident and comfortable wearing them.
We have focused on armhole shaping, neck lines, bust positioning, trouser lengths and making fabrics a priority. All our styles we expect to flatter and feel comfortable. The right fabrics will perform and fit nicely with our fit criteria.
Out aim is to forget about what you are wearing, that it fits so well and is comfortable and flattering; that you can simply get on with your day. There is then no need to constantly be rearranging your clothes and tugging at them to get them back in position. The objective is that nothing is itchy, sweaty, restrictive, falling back, requiring hoisting up.
What our customers and our community told us were the biggest problems:
1. Trousers are too short or too long. 30% said trousers were too short, 30% said trousers were too long. So only @40% said that they found trousers to fit.
2. 68% said that knitwear made them feel bigger than they actually are.
3. 64% said that they found it difficult to find shirts and blouses that did not gape at the bust and 72% said that they had one or more shirt or blouse in their wardrobe that fell back from the shoulders
One challenge that we face at Rey House is that the majority of women that we interviewed were reluctant to try new shapes and styles, they believe they knew what suited them and because they were lacking in confidence were not willing to try a new shape, particularly if they were buying online. We realise that we need to educate women much like a stylist does. Charlotte Broom from Charlotteloves-style.com tells us that this is a common problem for women that she styles. She called it her "Just humour me and try this" She says she has a 99% success rate when she manages to get someone into a new style, shape or new colour.
In addition to this women were reluctant to try a new brand because of fit and confidence. However, if they found a brand that they liked, fitted, was comfortable and became a go to piece in their wardrobe; they would return again and again. In fact if the brand changed anything for example changed the quality, the style, fabric, or the fit; this would put the person off buying again.
Our entire aim at Rey House is to create what we call the "Ohh!" feeling. That feeling that when you put something on, look in the mirror and surprise yourself that you look really good, you feel comfortable and it feels nice against your skin. All of this leads to a boost in self confidence.
Fit, quality and self confidence is our mantra. Join the Rey House Community on our website. Tell us what kind of Diamond you think you are and tell us what you struggle with and what you would like to see.